You know how important it is to keep your ears clean, but do you reach for a cotton swab? If so, you might want to think twice. While they are convenient and may sometimes feel good when cleaning your ears, they can actually cause more damage than good. An audiologist can discuss with you about how cotton swabs can actually impact your ears in a negative way and to help you avoid them when it comes to cleaning your ears.

What Are the Risks of Cotton Swabs?

One of the biggest risks of using cotton swabs to clean your ears is that you could actually push earwax further into your ear canal rather than clearing it out. If this happens, earwax can become impacted to your eardrum, which can cause hearing loss, tinnitus, discomfort and for some people, dizziness.

The delicate skin of the ear canal and the eardrum can be easily damaged by cotton swabs, resulting in irritation, scratches or even perforation of the eardrum. Additionally, using cotton swabs increases the risk of introducing bacteria into the ear canal, which can cause infections. Furthermore, repeated use of cotton swabs can disrupt the natural balance of earwax production, leading to overproduction or dryness of earwax. To avoid these risks, it’s best to refrain from using cotton swabs for ear cleaning and opt for safer methods recommended by an audiologist.

What Do Audiologists Recommend for Cleaning Your Ears?

If your ears are blocked, the best method of removal is to visit your audiologist to have it professionally treated. However, there are many do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions that you could try first to try and dislodge any impacted wax. The best method is to use warm water. You can buy bulb syringes or ear irrigation kits to help administer the water into your ear. As this can help to soften the wax to remove on its own,

When you visit an audiologist for ear cleaning instead of using cotton swabs, they will employ safe and effective techniques to ensure your ear health. Firstly, they will examine your ears using specialized tools to assess the extent of wax buildup and any potential issues. Then, they may use gentle suction devices or specialized tools to carefully remove the earwax without causing harm to the delicate ear structures.

Throughout the process, the audiologist will prioritize your comfort and safety, ensuring a thorough but gentle cleaning experience. Unlike cotton swabs, which can push wax deeper into the ear canal, the methods used by audiologists are designed to safely extract excess wax without risking damage or injury. Finally, they may provide guidance on preventive measures to help you maintain healthy ears in the future, emphasizing the importance of regular check-ups and proper ear care practices.

Remember that with any kind of issues related to your ears or hearing, you should visit your audiologist for treatment and further advice on how to care for your ears to prevent it from happening again.