Hearing loss is a reality for one-third of older adults in America. This is because people can lose their auditory capabilities and this increases as they advance in years. However, it’s also common knowledge that hearing loss is a cause of cognitive decline. But how is this possible? This will explain how these conditions influence each other and how people can live fulfilling lives.

How Does Hearing Loss Contribute to Cognitive Decline?

People with hearing loss may experience challenges with hearing sounds either partially or completely. This can cause them to avoid hanging out with friends, family members, colleagues and others. Likewise, a person with cognitive decline will slowly lose their thinking abilities, such as learning, reasoning, paying attention and remembering. But how do these issues influence each other? According to researchers, losing your hearing may force your brain to work overtime as you strain to understand sound and speech. Due to this stress, you may be unable to fully remember or reason properly.

Because of hearing loss, the cells responsible for processing sound may die due to a lack of stimulation, which can affect other functions. Individuals with hearing loss may sometimes withdraw from social interactions, inadvertently leading to moments of social isolation. However, it’s crucial to recognize that this pattern, if left unaddressed, can limit the range of stimuli their minds receive, potentially affecting their cognitive abilities over time.

How Does Cognitive Decline Affect the Lives of People with Hearing Loss?

Living with hearing loss and cognitive decline can have its obstacles. Not only will individuals find it challenging to understand speech and other sounds, but they will also have to struggle with remembering people, core memories and so on. This can cause them to shut people out of their lives due to embarrassment. It’s worth noting that prolonged isolation can cause them to develop depression.

Can Hearing Aids Prevent Cognitive Decline in People with Hearing Loss?

Individuals with hearing loss can protect their mental health by investing in hearing aids. These helpful devices amplify sounds for your brain to receive and process. This way, it doesn’t have to work overtime to understand speech, allowing it to focus on cognitive functions. With hearing aids, you can be excited about meeting with and enjoying the company of your family and friends. These can stimulate your brain cells, keeping them alive. You can also engage in other activities that boost your mental health when you feel confident about socializing, so keep this in mind.

How Can You Get the Most Effective Hearing Aids?

By all means, you should not get devices without going for a hearing aid fitting. Although you can order hearing aids online, you may not get the right fit. In this case, your audiologist is your friend, as they can determine what kind of hearing loss you have and provide the best hearing aids to meet your auditory needs. Moreover, they can adjust these devices so that they aren’t too loud or too low, so feel free to consider this.

Tags: hearing loss and mental health